• Ambawadi, Ahmedabad 380006
  • info@thedentalhubahmedabad.com
  • Call Today 9898892051
  • Open Hour Mon - Sat 10:00am - 02:00pm
    Mon - Sat 4:00pm - 8:30pm
dental crown

For teeth that have become more significantly damaged, dental crowns offer a comprehensive solution. Not only do they completely cover teeth and prevent them from breaking apart further, but they seal the tooth away from oral bacteria. Doing this reduces the risk of an oral infection, restores your bite, and reduces potential discomfort. Our crown materials and brands consist of porcelain fused to metal (PFM), EMAX, Lava and zirconia— and they are designed based on the individual tooth’s needs. You can rest easy knowing that your crown will not only effectively blend in with the rest of your smile, but also provide the lasting strength the tooth needs for years to come.

Dental crowns are known as one of the safest and most effective restorative treatments available. For years, people have been protecting their damaged or decayed teeth with these customized prosthetics, which is why dentists continue to recommend it as a viable treatment option. At The Dental Hub Ahmedabad, a dental crown can not only cover and protect a weakened tooth, but it can also seal and keep out any infection, as well as restore your bite and reduce the risk of infection. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find out if a dental crown is the right method of treatment for you.

  • Customized restorations based on your individual needs.
  • Treatment for all ages.
  • Patient comfort is a priority
dental crown

A dental crown is an artificial tooth that is customized to the size, shape, and color of your natural tooth, and it is used to cover a tooth that has been severely damaged or is decayed. They are placed over your natural tooth to serve as a protective barrier, preventing additional injury or further re-infection from occurring. All the while, they encourage the natural tooth to regain its strength.

Dental crowns can be made from various materials, but at The Dental Hub, we use porcelain fused to metal system (PFM), EMAX, Lava and zirconia. A PFM crown creates a stronger bond than traditional porcelain, making it more durable because of its metal structure. Based on your individual needs, our dentists will determine which material and brand is right for you.

If you’re wondering whether or not you are a qualified candidate for a dental crown, here are a few quick ways to tell:

  • You have a broken, cracked, or fractured tooth
  • A dental filling is too large and has left your tooth weak
  • You've had root canal therapy, or a dental implant placed
  • You're experiencing severe tooth decay that a filling cannot fix

What Are the Benefits to Crowns?

  • Dental crowns can improve your teeth’s appearance, shape, alignment, and dental bite.
  • They can strengthen your tooth while protecting it from further damage or infection.
  • Crowns are customized to match your natural teeth, making it harder for anyone to tell a difference between your real and artificial teeth.
  • They are durable and can withstand normal wear and tear.

Top Care Tips for Crowns

If you want to make sure your dental crown lasts as long as possible, you’ll want to make sure you’re taking proper care of it at home. In order to maintain a beautiful, healthy, longer-lasting smile, here are a few care tips for your dental crown:

We firmly believe in providing patients with as much valuable information as possible regarding oral care. From brushing and flossing tips to suggested treatments, at no point should anyone feel uninformed or unsure about how to take care of their teeth and gums. This is why regular dental checkups and cleanings are so important. Not only does it give our team a chance to better inform you, but it also enables us to check for problems before they do one of two things: start or worsen.

Unless you are a periodontal patient and are struggling with gum disease, in which you’ll need to see us more often, the recommended timeframe for regular checkups is every six months. To ensure you keep those appointments, go ahead and schedule your next visit before leaving our office!

  • Brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste. Make sure you are brushing for a full two minutes.
  • Floss at least once a day, if not after every meal.
  • Rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash to wash out any left behind bacteria or food particles.
  • Maintain your regular dental appointments every six months to ensure your dental crown is still healthy and in good shape.
  • Avoid hard, crunchy foods (i.e. chips, nuts, crunchy vegetables, sticky chocolates), as they can damage your crown.

Part of creating a natural-looking smile is using materials that actually simulate real teeth, which is why The Dental Hub provides an option for metal-free restorations and materials to improve the appearance of teeth along with amalgam (silver) restorations. Whether you are in need of a durable dental crown to cover permanent discoloration, cosmetic bonding to hide minor cracks or porcelain veneers to mask both, you can get metal-free solutions at our dental clinic.

Why The Dental Hub Ahmedabad?

Our Clients are Our Priority, We Offer Quality Dental Services of Specialists

We offer complete dental care under one roof with precision, artistry and experience.

  • Friendly and experienced Doctors
  • Advanced treatments with maximum comfort
  • Advanced tooth whitening system
  • Most Advanced Technology
  • Complete Dental Care Under one Roof
  • Easiest Payment system